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Medical app designed to accompany

patients throughout medical procedures.

Concept project | UX/UI | ‘Create’ school


Elective surgery or elective procedure is surgery that is scheduled in advance because it does not involve a medical emergency. In elective surgery it is important to evaluate the benefit of the surgery - can it improve the patient's condition.


People undergoing medical procedures or elective surgeries do not get a good experience before and after the procedure.




For the medical staff this is

a routine and common procedure that is done frequently so they may not take the time to give a detailed explanation of all the steps.


Sometimes additional questions will only arise

after the appointment with

the doctor.


The instructions are given verbally or in a confusing and general collection of papers.


The patient returns home for further treatment and unsupervised self-recovery.



Confusion and doubt.

Uncertainty following the doctor's instructions pre and post the medical procedure.

Fear and anxiety.

Patients do not know exactly what to expect in the process.

Post surgery complications.

The patient's recovery is impaired following improper self-care after surgery.

market research

Conclusions &


I reviewed different apps from parallel fields, addressing the same target audience: Apps to accompany patients before and after surgery, Health insurance apps, Medical follow-up and medication tracker apps, Pregnancy and child development monitoring apps, Task organization and management apps.

All while keeping in mind 3 main challenges:


How can we reduce the user‭ (‬patient‭) ‬

anxiety and confusion‭?‬ 

To do List‭.‬‭ ‬we will create a list of short and clear tasks‭, ‬in preparation for the surgery‭, ‬so that the patient can be certain he didn't miss any of the instructions provided by his doctor‭, ‬increasing his sense of control‭, ‬giving structure to the user‭, ‬a plan that he‭ ‬can stick to‭.‬

Direct communication channel‭.‬‭ ‬We will include a chatbot that can provide the user feedback on a wide range of symptoms‭, ‬tests or answer any of the user's questions‭, ‬available 24/7‭ - ‬reassuring the user at any time‭, ‬offering live support and interaction‭.‬


Knowledge is power‭. ‬we will offer the user education and resources so they can learn about his upcoming procedure‭, ‬if possible we will include the‭ ‬reasons behind the instructions he is given‭.‬


How can we get the user‭ (‬patient‭) ‬to complete

the surgical journey using the app‭?‬ 

Personalized information‭.‬‭We will provide the user information specific to his condition‭, ‬ensuring customized and individual care‭. ‬Surgeons and other medical caregivers will be able to create‭, ‬update and assign personalized patient instructions‭.‬

Notifications and reminders‭. ‬We will send the user a reminder about required tasks‭ - ‬take medication‭, ‬change bandage‭, ‬etc‭. ‬according to his care plan and assigned timetable‭, ‬encouraging involvement in his self care‭.‬


How can we make complex medical

information accessible to the user‭ (‬patient‭)?‬

Progressive Disclosure‭.‬‭ ‬We will break down the relevant information into stages‭, ‬so that the user will not be‭ ‬overwhelmed by the amount of content at once‭, ‬presenting only the essential information for that stage‭.‬


Plain language‭. ‬we will organize information so the most important points come first‭, ‬use simple language and define technical or medical terms‭.‬


Visual aids‭. ‬We will use simple illustrations‭, ‬images‭, ‬informational graphics and videos that can help patients better understand health information‭. ‬

user research

Conclusions &


I interviewed 7 people between the ages of 26-75 who underwant different elective surgeries,

to get a batter sense of the users needs and pain points.

Recovery period Implications. We should include personalized information on how the recovery period might effect the user's lifestyle in terms of medication side effects, mobility, taking time off work, physical therapy, etc.

Relieving stress. We will offer the user breathing techniques and meditation exercises to help the user relief anxiety he might be feeling before the medical procedure.

Medication visual aid. We will provide the user with a visual representation of the medicine (for example: a picture of the package and pill/drops) to help users easy identification when their vision is blurred right after eye surgery.

Video call. We should include an option of video call with the doctor for the first follow-up, when a user has difficulty getting around after the medical procedure.

Voice control. We should include an option for voice control of the interface when the user has limited vision after treatment.

How to bandage. We will include a visual explanation on how to bandage the user's wound post surgery, helping him avoid complications and doubt.

Introducing the medical staff. We should include information about the treating staff who will attend the upcoming surgery and a reassuring message from the physician on the day, Instilling confidence and a sense of control in the user.


the product

Mask Group.png


Medical app designed to guide patients throughout medical procedures‭, ‬helping patients prepare physically‭, ‬mentally‭, ‬and emotionally for surgery‭.‬

The value

Sense of security and control‭ (‬peace of mind‭)‬.

The goal

Reducing the number of surgery cancellations and

patient calls to the medical center/doctor regarding preparation for surgery or‭ ‬postoperative treatment‭.‬



Men and women over 18‭ ‬

about to go through an elective medical procedure‭.‬

wire framing & design


Short identification process and a request from the user (patient) to authorise notifications and reminders.


The user (patient) is presented with a a list of tasks in preparation for the surgery, a message from the clinic is sent in the chat to assure the user in his every need.

To-do List

The user (patient) marks off completed tasks.


Surgery day

The user (patient) is informed with last instructions and preparations.


The application adapted to the stage of the user (patient) is in the process,

presenting him relevant information to assist with his recovery.